Attraction Marketing Plan for MLM

In this article, we examine the best ways to apply attraction marketing to a network marketing business, from the perspective of having a team of tens or hundreds of thousands of people on your team.  Should you incorporate traditional MLM prospecting techniques?  What methods of marketing work best on the Internet?

An average person needs to have things in place in order to succeed quickly.  The tendency for many people, however, is to spend months setting up systems before even recruiting one person.  Therefore, it is important to use traditional methods up front while setting up the more complex internet marketing systems.

Within internet/attraction marketing, which lead generation methods are available and best for specific time frames and circumstances?

  • Pay Per Click – Paid ads work the most quickly of any method, producing almost guaranteed results, as long as using well thought out and designed sales copy and you have a good offer on your squeeze pages.  Depending on your budget, this strategy should be used early on in your plan.
  • Social Media – Facebook, MySpace, and others can be used both to connect with your current warm market and to make new friends.  Social media expert Max Steingart teaches that the new 3 foot rule is that the entire world is within 3 feet of you when you are on social media.  This is a free strategy, although most people will need some training in the best social media recruiting methods from experts such as Max Steingart.  His Endless Free Leads Curriculum is an excellent way to get started.
  • Article Marketing and Blogging – For those who like to write, article marketing is another free strategy that can both create your on brand, You, Inc. and generate organic search engine results for your business.  Results can be seen in as little as 3 months up to a year or longer, depending on the level of effort that you can afford.  David Wood’s free training webinar is a great starting point and an example of generating significant earnings within a short time.
  • Video Marketing – Another strategy which is essentially free is video marketing, although, again some skills and possible submission tools may be needed.  Videos are great for branding and establishing relationships with your prospects before you even meet in person.

There are many additional marketing strategies, such as ezine solo ads, online classified ads, marketing forums, and more.  Just remember to keep the basics in mind that have been learned and proven successful over the last 70 years in the network marketing industry.  Further information on setting up and attraction marketing system is available as well as complete turn key marketing systems, such as My Lead System Pro.


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