Facebook Marketing Secrets

One indication that most network marketers are virtually clueless was  a recent webinar on social networking, where the most frequently asked question was the following:

“I post information about my products, about the company and about the business opportunity, but no one is responding. How do I offer information without being pushy?”

Is the level of training really this poor in the network marketing industry? In our experience, most of the training from MLM companies is about the company and products. Little information is typically provided about exactly how to share this information with others. And, in fact, most of the information provided by companies and “successful” associates is motivational in nature vs. oriented to practical methods that have proven success.

Of course, posting information about your network marketing company on your Facebook page, or even worse on others’ pages, is very ineffective. In the first place, most people are on Facebook for personal reasons vs. their business interests, and will simply remove you if you annoy them with your “marketing information.”  In fact, even having links to your network marketing pages on your profile will limit your ability in adding friends to your network to those already involved in the MLM industry.  And, MySpace will terminate members placing business links on their page,  since it is a violation of their terms.

So, what is the answer?  Should you set up a business (or fan) page or a group for your business?  Although  effective for some,especially those with traditional businesses, we would only recommend a business-oriented fan page for network marketing distributors already earning 6-figure income.   A Facebook group, which is similar to a membership site, can be used to selectively disseminate information to your current team members.

But Facebook, despite these factors, remains an incredible tool for network marketers, since people do like to buy, when the circumstances are right.  But since they buy only from people they know, like and trust, your job here is to build trust relationships and friendships.  Establishing these relationships is the key, which must be accomplished prior to EVER mentioning your company, products, or services.  Open ended questions are best for finding out about people, including the following:

  • What do you do?
  • What does that entail?
  • How long have you done it?
  • What did you do before?
  • How do you like what you’re doing?
  • How are you being affected by what’s happening in the economy?
  • Have you ever thought about doing anything else?
  • Are you familiar with the network marketing industry?

Through a line of questioning, such as the above, you can find out if there is a need or want for your product, service or opportunity before bringing it up, and only bring it up if a need exists.  Then you can follow the “training” which you received from your MLM company, typically transitioning to company or upline provided presentations which provide solutions for your new “friend.”


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