Stay Process Focused vs. Results

The inspiration for this article comes from a recent MLSP webinar. In particular, Amy Jo Neal the Internet Marketing Lioness, and others who shared this as her main take away from the recent My Lead System Pro Las Vegas event. Her reaction to meeting many attendees who were following her online, was one of amazement, not realizing that she was actually affecting lives through her efforts and got her thinking about how a focus on the process was producing results she was unaware of.  This sentiment was common among attendees at the meeting.

There are lessons for everyone in this insight about whether it is better to focus on the process or your results.  Athletes have been familiar with this concept for some time. Scott Molina, the Triathalon “Terminator,” explains his process focused approach as learning to enjoy the training vs. having strict time-based goals.  In the long run, this enables an athlete to reach time-based goals in the actual event.  The athlete is encouraged to find ways to make their training more enjoyable.

Another aspect that athletes understand well is commitment.  They know it takes a lot of work over a very long period of time even for the best athletes who are totally committed to the process.  Paradoxically, the best way to reach a big goal, is to let go of it while staying focused on the process needed to get you there.  Scott’s suggestions for the athlete are as follows:

  1. Learn to enjoy the training and begin using uplifting words like challenging, uplifting, encouraging, satisfying, fulfilling, outstanding, and achievement.
  2. Agree on reasonable goals with your coach or mentor.
  3. Adjust your end goal, if you can’t meet the daily/process goals for some reason.
  4. Understand that reaching long term goals can take years.
  5. Even good athletes need to stay committed to the process, which even for them can take years.

These are excellent analogies for the internet/attraction marketer.  Do you know what daily actions would be needed to reach your big goals?  If not, find the best coach/mentor who’s already achieved what you want and find out.  If you know what is needed and aren’t doing it, then you need to reassess the goal.  Is it really what you want, or just what you say your want?  Find out what is holding you back, which for many can be entirely subconscious factors.  Find a way the break through the fears, doubts, and other factors holding you back and engage the process needed to carry you to the goal.


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